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中华胃肠内镜电子杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (01) : 33 -36. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-7157.2024.01.008


张续乾1, 宫一凡2, 翟爱军1,()   
  1. 1. 100074 北京,中国航天科工集团七三一医院消化内科
    2. 100049 北京,航天中心医院重症医学科
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-14 出版日期:2024-02-15
  • 通信作者: 翟爱军
  • 基金资助:
    北京市丰台区卫生健康系统科研项目(2020-60); 中国航天科工集团七三一医院院内课题(2021-QSYN-04)

Comparison to multi-target fecal DNA testing and PuPu tube self-administered fecal immunochemical test in colorectal cancer screening in physical examination population

Xuqian Zhang1, Yifan Gong2, Aijun Zhai1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Gastroenterology, China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation 731 Hospital, Beijing 100074, China
    2. Department of Critical Care Medicine, Aerospace Center Hospital, Beijing 100049, China
  • Received:2023-11-14 Published:2024-02-15
  • Corresponding author: Aijun Zhai

张续乾, 宫一凡, 翟爱军. 多靶点粪便DNA检测与噗噗管法FIT在体检人群结直肠癌筛查中的效果比较[J]. 中华胃肠内镜电子杂志, 2024, 11(01): 33-36.

Xuqian Zhang, Yifan Gong, Aijun Zhai. Comparison to multi-target fecal DNA testing and PuPu tube self-administered fecal immunochemical test in colorectal cancer screening in physical examination population[J]. Chinese Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy(Electronic Edition), 2024, 11(01): 33-36.










To compare the value of multi-target fecal DNA detection and PuPu Tube self-administered fecal immunochemical test (PuPu tube FIT) in colorectal cancer screening in physical examination population.


From January 2020 to December 2020, asymptomatic people who underwent physical examination in the Physical Examination Center of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation 731 Hospital were selected.Multi-target fecal DNA detection and PuPu tube FIT were used for primary screening.Colonoscopy was performed for those who were positive, and the screening results were analyzed and summarized.


A total of 660 subjects completed multi-target fecal DNA detection andPuPu tube FIT, of which 42 cases were positive for multi-target fecal DNA detection, 55 cases were positive for PuPu tube FIT detection.The detection rate of colorectal cancer and advanced adenoma was 1.36% and the positive predictive value was 32.14% for those with positive multi-target fecal DNA detection. The detection rate of colorectal cancer and advanced adenoma was 0.30% and the positive predictive value was 7.69% for those with positive PuPu tube FIT detection, and the detection rate and positive predictive value of colorectal cancer and advanced adenoma by multi-target fecal DNA detection were higher than those by PuPu tube FIT, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05).


Compared with PuPu tube FIT, multi- target fecal DNA detection has higher detection rate and positive predictive value for colorectal cancer and advanced adenoma. Therefore, multi-target fecal DNA detection has a higher screening value for colorectal cancer in physical examination population.

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