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中华胃肠内镜电子杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 06 ›› Issue (02) : 62 -65. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-7157.2019.02.003

所属专题: 文献


苏军凯1,(), 万淑琴1, 谢雄炳1, 杨伟超1, 林炳慧1, 周剑金1   
  1. 1. 363000 漳州,福建漳州正兴医院消化内镜中心
  • 收稿日期:2019-03-29 出版日期:2019-05-15
  • 通信作者: 苏军凯
  • 基金资助:

Clinical Study on the Relationship Between Colonoscopy Learning Time and Polyp Detection Rate

Junkai Su1,(), Shuqin Wan1, Xiongbing Xie1, Weichao Yang1, Binghui Lin1, Jianjun Zhou1   

  1. 1. Endosocopy Center, Zhangzhou Zhengxing Hospital, Fujian 363000, China
  • Received:2019-03-29 Published:2019-05-15
  • Corresponding author: Junkai Su
  • About author:
    Correspondence author: Su Junkai, Email:

苏军凯, 万淑琴, 谢雄炳, 杨伟超, 林炳慧, 周剑金. 结肠镜学习时间与结肠息肉检出率关系的临床研究[J/OL]. 中华胃肠内镜电子杂志, 2019, 06(02): 62-65.

Junkai Su, Shuqin Wan, Xiongbing Xie, Weichao Yang, Binghui Lin, Jianjun Zhou. Clinical Study on the Relationship Between Colonoscopy Learning Time and Polyp Detection Rate[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy(Electronic Edition), 2019, 06(02): 62-65.






A、B、C、D、E、F医生总的息肉检出率分别为43.8%(1 107/2 529)、31.8%(420/1 322)、35.3%(619/1 753)、25.2%(194/771)、42.8% (166/388)和29.3%(129/440)。6名肠镜医师之间、4名有经验肠镜医师之间及2名肠镜初学者之间的息肉检出率差异均具有统计学显著性差异。肠镜初学者E医生一年半时间,每半年息肉检出率分别为48.39%(15/31)、42.86%(42/98)和42.08%(109/259),而F医生仅为21.84%(19/87)、32.73%(36/110)和30.45%(74/243),检出率无明显统计学差异。




To explore whether the detection rate of colonoscopic polyps increases with the increase of learning time of colonoscopy.


The detection rates of colorectal polyps in four experienced endoscopists A, B, C, D and two colonoscopy trainees E and F, from July 2016 to December 2018, were analyzed and compared retrospectively.


The detection rates of polyps in doctors A, B, C, D, E and F were 43.8%(1107/2529), 31.8%(420/1322), 35.3% (619/1753), 25.2%(194/771), 42.8%(166/388) and 29.3%(129/440), respectively.There were significant differences in the detection rates of polyps among 6 endoscopists, 4 experienced endoscopists and 2 colonoscopy trainees (all the P values were 0.000). The detection rates of polyps in colonoscopy trainees E were 48.39%(15/31), 42.86%(42/98) and 42.08%(109/259) every half year, and the data of colonoscopy trainees E were 21.84%(19/87), 32.73%(36/110) and 30.45%(74/243) respectively, which were no differences in the detection rates of polyps .


The detection rate of colonoscopic polyps does not increase with the learning time of colonoscopy.

图1 不同医生肠镜息肉检出率的差异
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